Patterned conveyor belt is a conveyor belt combined by belt andpattern parts. As different size of deliverying inclination of materialsand conveyor, Patterned conveyor belt's shape and pattern requiredlevel (depth) is also different. Common species of patterned conveyorbelt are as follows:
Herringbone pattern
Features: there is a body with "human" shape pattern which is higherthan the surface of belt. The patterned conveyor belt can be dividedinto high, middle and low, on the other hand, it can be open or closed.
Application: ≤ 40 degree angle, convey powder, granular, small material handling, or bag taken with material.
Stripe pattern
Feature: there is strip pattern with a horizontal surface on the belt. We can divide the patterned conveyor belt into high, middle and low and each pattern ordered by distance can be divided into sparse, dense form.
Application: ≤ 30 degree angle to transport packaging. If trench cases, it can substitute the herringbone pattern.
Granular pattern
Feature: there is a granular pattern on the surface of the belt which ishigher than the body, pits can also be made of square-shaped or prismand Gyrosigma hole shape.
Application: convex granular patterned conveyor belt applies to theneed for flexible packaging material or the grip of material handling(such as cardboard boxes) or non-slip transport. Concave granularpatterned conveyor belt applies to transport the granular material which ≤ 45 degree angle.
Fan-shaped pattern
Feature: There was semi-fan with a surface (or 1 / 4 circle) patterns.When the tape into the slot interference when combined into a fan-shapedpattern (or semi-circular), a high-pattern class.
Application: this conveyor belt applied to ≤ 60 degree angle, conveying powder, granules and bulk materials.