The conveyor belt of limestone transport from India to Bangladesh is the world's longest conveyor belt which is not equipped with intermediate drives, including across the marsh area had as many as 17 kilometers. This conveyor belt not only across the border between the two countries also crossed many mountains, rivers, and paddy fields.
That conveyor belt is not the longest in the world-that prize must go to a belt in the Western Sahara, which is 100km long from the phosphate mines of Bu Craa to the coast south of EI-AAiun, but the longest single conveyorbelt runs from Meghalaya in India to Sylhet in Bangladesh. To ensure that the conveyor belt will not cause adverse effects on human and animal, conveyor belt above the earth in the work of 5 to 10 meters. This makes the conveyor belt to facilitate a high degree of maintenance. Conveyor belt spare parts only 80 days in the field assembled, there are 100 joints.